Sunday, May 3, 2009

May Gimmick Month

For the month of May, every week, my blog will have posts that have different themes. For the whole week, starting Mondays, I will post blogs according to the theme I picked. The theme for this week is...

Daily Routines


Everytime I wake up, I have to write down my first thoughts of the day, the dreams I had that night (if I had any) and the things I'm planning on doing and accomplishing.

Before I go to bed at night, I have to write down a daily report. Basically, normal blogging/online diary cliche crud...

Well, let's see how it goes. Knowing me, I'd probably not keep up with this since I'll be busy or I'll be lazy. We shall see how it goes.

1 comment:

itSAMEERacle said...

mike t has a diiiiaryyyy!!!