Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Daily Routine: Day 3

Well, Day 3 of my Daily Routine May Gimmick. So far, I've been keeping up with it (astonishingly). So yeah... (While reading, imagine me saying these in real life*)

First sights: Everything was dark but a small tiny light guided my way...tiny light=cell phone light

First thoughts: "My alarm went off...Ok...Must not let yesterday happen again."

Dreams: None to report.

Things to do:

  • Bio midterm
  • Math quiz
  • Maybe Chem homework
  • Water balloon fight planning...?

Well, that's it for this morning. I know it's kinda short and bland so it's not that exciting... That's why I said in the beginning to imagine me saying it in person. So...if you thought that it was still boring even if you imagined me saying these in real life, then I that means I am a boring person Y-Y... Oh well, enjoy this day and good morning y'all!

* I wrote the * after I was done with the normal outline because I realized it was boring for me.

If you don't understand what "Y-Y" means, try using your eyes. I say that's one of my trademark stuff... It's supposed to be a crying smiley like T-T.

I changed font just for randomness... so yeah...enough P.S.'s

1 comment:

itSAMEERacle said...

Anything having to do with a water balloon fight is never boring