Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pet Peeve #5

People asking me if I am okay, when I am actually okay.

-Do I really look that miserable? I know that you ask because you care, but like anything, it will lose meaning the more it's said.

A little bit more...

and I probably will write things I shouldn't be writing. I know things could just get worse for me, but I can't take it anymore... or maybe I should bare with it for a little longer. I've dealt with it not so long ago, I survived. I'm sure I'll be fine... As long as I have someone to vent to, I could just live without blowing up...

By the way, you're stupid. you're really stupid... probably not stupid. that's such a harsh word. Probably naive. yeah... that's a good term for it.

Friday, February 10, 2012

I never thought your antics were cute. The others probably think so, but for me, it's annoying. Especially since I feel like it is fake.