Saturday, October 23, 2010

Unposted posts

I was just going through all the blog posts I've not post. These posts are usually unfinished posts or just things I don't feel like revealing. but now I am unveiling them. The unfinished posts will remain unfinished... oh yeah, the date's that are posted in these blog posts are the actual dates I started writing them. Just find them :D

What are the benefits of not standing out?

- You don't get noticed when you do something wrong or right.

- You're not the first person to be thought of when someone needs help.

- You can do whatever you want and nobody would care.

- You live simply.

- Nobody bothers you.

- You're normal.

Most Dangerous Person...

...has a smiling face. You don't know if you're seeing a smile of happiness, or a smile of deceit. Enjoy your day :]