Saturday, May 30, 2009

Random scene 6: Inner Self

It's swallowing me from the inside
I hate how this hates my pride
As the days go by I feel weak
Right now the pain is at its peak

Sickness and pestilence
I have no defense
against its ill effects
Why do I have these defects

Must hide the grave
but others I should save
It's touch is gruesome
but I think everyone is numb

Too late when it's detected
Effects of it has been inflicted
Pardon me for being the harbinger
I hate the one to bring danger

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Random Scene 5: Picture

"We should take him out of the picture. He is a big threat to both of us."

"I know, Zack. He was able to convince my girlfriend to break up with me. Think of the other things he could do to."

"Yeah I know. Shit happens. I never thought he could really do such a thing. You and Pauline were doing great. I never really saw your break up coming."

"Pauline was everything to me. I love her and it pains me to see her go. Damn you, Clarence! I should have kept him away from her. How did I not see it? Actually, how did I not do anything about it when I saw the signs? Was I that trusting?"

"None of us really thought that Clarence can pull off such thing. It's just hard I guess to predict what's on his mind."

"That's the thing. He was doing things in front us and we did not do a thing. We let him do whatever he wanted. He was even saying things to us, but we did not do anything."

"We just thought he was joking. Come on, it's Clarence. He's a harmless, trustworthy fellow, well, the Clarence I met was."

"He changed. He's not what he used to be."

"Yeah, I liked him back then. He was quiet; he was so shy to girls. Now, man... he makes us look like amateurs."

"That's why we should do something about it. We can't let him step on our manhood anymore. He attracts all the attention. That bastard. Why can't he just go away?"

"That's it! If we just keep him away from Haley I could worry less."


"And it will benefit you too. You can't be paranoid of him trying to steal your girl no mo'."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well, if we can show to the girls that Clarence is a lying, conniving prick, they won't like him anymore."

"We got a problem there... He is a good guy, a nice guy. They would not believe it. Clarence would also sense something is wrong if we did that. He'll be able to save his good name and in the end, we'll look like the bad guys."

"But we're not the bad guys. He is."

"How are we going to do it? He's a type of person that you just can't find bad things about, besides him really charismatic to girls."

"We could...I don't know. I'll figure it out."

"I already talked to Pauline about it, but instead of considering my view, she defends him."

"Those girls... they are easy to persuade. Clarence is taking advantage of it, so why should not we? We could extend the truth and they will believe it. Just a little exaggeration should do the trick."

"I don't know...We'll see... I think that plan is flawed, but what the heck. As long as we get him out of the picture."